Representative Types of Clients
- Advertising Agencies
- Architects
- Banks
- Country Clubs
- Construction Companies
- Corporations
- Creditors in Bankruptcy Proceedings
- Defense Contractors
- Domestic Companies with New York based litigation and arbitration
- Engineers
- Fashion & Apparel Industry
- Foreign Companies with New York based litigation and arbitration
- Governmental Entities and Municipalities
- Healthcare Industry
- Hedge Funds
- High-Net-Worth Individuals and Investors
- International and Domestic Banks
- International and Domestic Manufacturers
- Home Furnishing Designers and Manufacturers
- Insurance Companies
- Judgment Creditors
- Law Firms
- Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
- Officers and Directors
- Not-for-Profit Organizations and Charities
- Partnerships
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Photographers
- Publishing Companies
- Real Estate Developers, Owners and Investors
- Real Estate Agents
- Retailers in a variety of fashion, furnishing and other consumer products
- Religious Corporations
- Resort Properties and Hotels
- Secured Lenders/Borrowers
- Software Developers
- Trade Associations